After spending nearly a week touring Yellowstone, we decided for a little bit of a change today, but first we had some quick, unfinished business in the park.
The picture of Sarah and I at the Old Faithful sign from a few days ago didn't turn out. We went back and got a new pic. None of us had any souvenirs from our trip, we went into the gift shop there at old faithful and pick some stuff up. I found a nice hat and long sleeve tee shirt. Sarah found one too.
We rode on down south toward the southern park entrance and toward the Grand Tetons. It was a gorgeous day, with a little wind and 80 degree temps. The perfect day to go to the mountains.
We stopped in the Tetons at the main visitors center. I'm always kind of disappointed by that visitors center because it has more about the Native Americans in the area than the mountains. I know that's an important part of the mountains history, but it would be nice to know a little more about the mountains.
As we headed south toward Jackson Hole, we finally saw what Sarah had been looking for all week... A MOOSE, actually, two moose; a mama and her baby. They were in a little swamp below the road. Sarah was SO excited; everyone was. We took about 30 minutes to take pictures. It was great!
When we finally arrived at Jackson Hole, we stopped at the visitor's center. Gary was in heaven. He enjoyed seeing all of the mounts inside. They had a small heard of elk mounted in a very lifelike pose. I think he likes it because it gives him ideas for new mounts. He even said that he thought today was one of his favorites.
We came back to West Yellowstone through Idaho. Everyone was excited about getting to go through a new state. It was pretty county, and wasn't like any we had seen yet. We saw a few potato fields, but it looked like most were planted in some kind of grain; probably rye.
We were so hungry when we got back to West Yellowstone. We ate at the same place Sarah and I ate last night, except everyone had American food. I had chicken fried steak; it was pretty good.
We came back to the cabin, and discussed our plans for leaving tomorrow (Glacier National Park, then home). After finalizing our plans, Sarah and I walked around town. I bought Lily some fudge for her birthday, then back to the cabins for showers and bed; we have an early morning tomorrow.
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